
Visiting Scholar program:November 18-24, 2013

On request by the Tibetan Department, GeshGeshi_Lharam_workshop_24Nov2013e Lharampa –Lobsang Nyendrak ,a  member of Tibetan Parliament-in-exile and a renowned Scholar in Tibetan Studies and Buddhist Philosophy gave a week long Instruction on ‘Tibetan Grammar’ based on the Root Text by Tati Geshe Rinchen Dhondup- a commentary on Tibetan Grammar. Geshe Lharampa Lobsang Nyendrak la is a linage holder of this root text. Thus this ‘Instruction’ was indeed a rare opportunity. 42 students, specializing in Tibetan Language studies and six faculty members participated in the program. Each lecture session was followed up by discussion and seminar. We are grateful to Geshe La for shedding light on this topic and being a  moral inspiration to us all here.   Geshe la is a member of Board of Examination as well as a member on the Board of Studies for Tibetan Language and Literature. Geshe la has agreed to come again to continue his Instructions on this Text.