Dr. Rigzin Lhundup
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- Dr. Rigzin Lhundup
Name: Dr. Rigzin Lhundup
Email: [email protected]
Phone no: 7018326182
Proactive lecturer, researcher and translator with 3 years of experience teaching courses on undergraduate. Schooling from TCV school Suja, Himachal, and higher education from Central Institute for higher Tibetan Studies, Varanasi. Interested areas of study is Philosophy, Hermeneutics, Language and Translation. Published over 15 translated and authored articles. Member of 17th Tibetan Parliament in Exile, Dharamsala.
Educational Qualifications
- UG /Shastri in Buddhist Philosophy and Tibetan Studies
- PG /Acharya in Buddhist Philosophy and Tibetan Studies
- Mphil / Vishishtacharya in Philosophy
Thesis Title: Analysis on the Buddhist Methods of interpreting sutras: an essence of explanation
- PhD in Buddhist Hermeneutics
Thesis Title: Research Methodology in Mahayana School: Methods and Techniques
Domestic Publications
- bden pa dang ‘tshe ba med pa’i sbyor ba phyag bzhes/ (The Experiments with Truth and Non-violence by Dr. Bhaskar Vyas and Rajni Vyas) trans. Tibetan, Sarah Tibetan Publication, 2017 (ISBN 978-93-82020-96-7) pp.542
- mang pos bkur ba’i nyer gcig srid skyong ‘os mi bka’ zur ‘brog chung dngos grub/ (ed.) Norbu Graphics, 2021 (ISBN 978-93-91092-11-5) pp.484
- rig gzhung nyer mkho phyogs bsgrigs/ Co-ed. Sattaman Press Print, 2022 (ISBN 978-81-955460-5-3) pp.327
Research papers in Tibetan
- (2016) nang pa’i mdo don ‘grel tshul rags gleng/ Varni Riglab,Tibetan Journal, (1) pp.14-25
- (2017) btsan byol bod mi’i rgyal zhen skor gyi dpyad gleng /Tibet Policy Journal, (6) 53-69
- (2018) bod rigs gzhon skyes tshos dbu ma’i lam lag bstar zhu phyogs/ dbu ma’i lam gyi rtsom yig phyogs bsgrigs/ ed. pp.107-130
- (2018) nyams zhib pa zhig la tshang dgos pa’i cha rkyen ‘ga’ bshad pa/ Varni Riglab,Tibetan Journal, (2) pp.2-8
- (2019) gnas brtan sangs rgyas dbyangs kyi rnam thar mdo tsam bshad pa/ In Search Truth, pp. 759-786
- (2021) ‘di skad bdag git hos pa dus gcig na zhes pa dpyad pa/ In Search Truth, pp. 759-786
- (2022) Analytical notes on the Nettipakarana, ed. CIHTS alumni Tibetan & Himalayan Studies, pp 67-78
- Presented a paper titled The Tibetan Diaspora Nationalism at the 2nd Young Tibetan Research Scholar’s Conference organized by the Tibet Policy Institute, CTA (18-20 Oct, 2016) Dharamsala, HP
- Presented paper titled Academic researcher: qualifications on 26th Sept, 2018 at CUTS, Sarnath, Varanasi UP
- Talk on Methods and trends of translating English to Tibetan language at workshop organized by Varni Riglab (Students’ Journal) 30th September, 2019 CUTS, Sarnath, Varanasi UP
- Presented a paper titled the Life and Works of Buddhaghosa on 1st International Conference of CIHTS alumni on Tibetan & Himalayan Studies, from 9-11 November, 2019 CIHTS, Sarnath, Varanasi UP
- Presented a paper titled Eight questions on Middle Way Policy at the 6th Young Tibetan Research Scholar’s Conference organized by the Tibet Policy Institute, CTA (9-12 November, 2020) online
- Presented a paper titled A critical notes on “Thus have I heard” at the 7th Young Tibetan Research Scholar’s Conference organized by the Tibet Policy Institute, CTA from 18-20 August, 2021 online
- Presented a paper titled How to write a Research Paper to students and teachers of Tibetan Medical College on 17th July, 2022 Sheshagirihalli, Bangaluru
Special Achievements
Sikyong Award for the academic accomplishment in the year 2022 by Department of Education, CTA, Dharamsala
Current Research Topic
- The ten basic units of letter in Tibetan Language
- The Visuddhimagga (Pali to Tibetan language, group translation and research project)